
Vilnius City of Learning
#strategic plan, #advocate youth work in the local community, #campaign for youth work in the local community, #plan youth programmes, #Absorb (learning management systems), #cities of learning, #Learn from experience, #communicate with youth, #connected learning, #Critical thinking, #peer group methods, #Learn to learn, #manage advocacy strategies, #carry out strategic research, #employ pedagogic strategies to facilitate creative engagement, #analyse community needs, #apply strategic thinking, #design advocacy campaigns, #learning management systems, #stimulate creative processes, #advise on career, #digital technologies, #creativity, #promote cultural venue events, #show intercultural awareness, #Uncover needs, #promote youth work in the local community, #e-learning, #Transversal skills/competences, #creatively use digital technologies, #think analytically, #implement strategic planning, #coordinate events, #provide career counselling, #crafting, #plan learning curriculum, #develop craft activities, #consult team on creative project, #Think strategically, #Managing learning, #identify education needs
Vilnius City of Learning
#demonstrate motivation, #perform self assessment, #manage own emotions, #exercise self-control, #show empathy, #social interactions, #regulate moods, #self-reflection, #Assertiveness, #control impulses, #personal development, #show motivation, #self promotion, #self-control, #socialise with others
Vilnius City of Learning
#using learning strategies, #analytical thinking, #plan learning, #inspire others, #strategic planning, #use skills assessment test, #personal development, #strategic thinking, #use critical thinking skills
Vilnius City of Learning
#think analytically, #digital competencies, #keep up with trends, #apply strategic thinking
Vilnius City of Learning
#dirbti komandoje, #analyse enforceability, #monitor social impact, #perform resource planning, #brainstorm ideas, #enrich the key idea, #dirbti komandoje, #assessment processes, #analyse enforceability, #create new concepts, #make abstracts, #research new ideas, #perform data analysis
Vilnius City of Learning
#address problems critically, #enrich the key idea, #create solutions to problems, #work as a team, #analyse issues, #develop work plans to solve problems, #think creatively, #develop work plans to solve problems, #think creatively, #attitudes and values, #create solutions to problems
Vilnius City of Learning
#dirbti komandoje, #work as a team, #think creatively, #develop creative ideas, #stimulate creative processes, #think creatively, #creatively use digital technologies, #stimulate creative processes
Vilnius City of Learning
#interview focus groups, #business model, #Prototyping development, #work with different target groups, #create new concepts, #measure customer feedback, #perform data analysis
Vilnius City of Learning
#perform self-assessment, #reflexion, #think creatively, #personal development, #analyse goal progress
Vilnius City of Learning
#provide written content, #develop creative ideas, #think creatively, #adjust the work during the creative process, #perform selfassessment
Vilnius City of Learning
#manage budgets, #financial management, #make investment decisions, #manage personal finances, #financial knowledge
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Cofinancé par Erasmus+, programme de l'Union Européenne
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